Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Educational Technology Strategic Plan

This is a proposed strategic plan which I presented to the heads of departments regarding my application as manager/supervisor of the center for educational technology...


The Educational Technology Center (ETC) requires a stable and secure system of unique identifiers if it is to serve efficiently and reliably its client base who are various stakeholders in the institution. On this light, a set of sound policies will ensure effectiveness of the Center’s various operations, and this will only be successful if equally sound guidelines are drafted to serve as framework from which various policies, processes, methods and systems could be developed.

In this regard, this five-year strategic plan is proposed by the author to help the management design the appropriate framework by which policies for the different plans of action could be based towards further improving the Center in the next five years and make it an indispensable component in the improvement of services provided in the institution, not only to the trainees/learners, but more importantly also to other stakeholders including the staff and the immediate community.

Situation Analysis


  1. Infrastructure already in place
  2. Facilities, equipment, holdings are adequate
  3. Support of management
  4. Staff are supportive and hard-working


1. Infrastructure and equipment not optimally utilized

2. No policies in place for proper management of facilities, equipment and holdings

3. Inadequate number of staff


1. Increasing number of users and connectivity

2. New technology may render infrastructure and systems obsolete

3. Staff turnover


  1. Continuously upgrade facilities, equipment/holdings and staff competencies
  2. Introduction, documentation & implementation of policies and guidelines for use and management of facilities, equipment and holdings

Core Values

This plan is anchored on the core values of Quality, Excellence, and Service. On this light, this plan is committed to nurture the culture of the Center through these three values serving as the foundation. That is, all its operations – its activities and its functions – will center on the values mentioned.

To realize this, the Center must specifically aspire to:

  1. Preserve and enhance the operational stability, reliability, security, and interoperability of its Sections;
  2. Seek and support broad and informed participation from its staff, reflecting the functional diversity of the Center at all levels of policy-development and decision-making;
  3. Make decisions by applying documented policies neutrally and objectively, with integrity and timeliness;
  4. Act with a speed that is responsive to the needs of the community while, as part of the decision-making process, obtaining informed input from those entities that it serves;
  5. Remain accountable to the management through mechanisms that enhance the Center’s effectiveness.

Key Challenges and Opportunities for the ETC

Any strategic plan is – by its nature – setting a course through an unknown future. In considering the issues that will face the Center over the next five years, the following list of major challenges and opportunities was developed. It is not in any way an exhaustive list and issues are not necessarily in priority order. The list is a summary of the author’s observations and short experience in the organization which he believes will shape the future concerning the ETC and they are therefore the issues that have shaped this plan.

  1. The continued rise of new forms of learning, particularly those of the constructivist and constructionist approaches that use new technologies in the delivery of materials and the general teaching-learning experience, and the need for the Center to truly meet the needs of self-access, more responsible, independent, and empowered learners.
  1. Maintaining speed, reliability and security in access to all technologies provided, particularly computer networks, given the increases in scale driven by the number of devices connected to the network and the number of users.
  1. Ensuring stability and security in an environment of increased threats brought about by the fast-paced interconnectivity of processes and systems, as well as the sharp increase of client-base.
  1. Multiple complicated changes to the Center’s operations or protocols that need to be managed in parallel, including possible paradigm changes not yet anticipated.
  1. Continuous evolution of educational business models and applications that can be used in the Center, particularly in the computer and other education/learning services.

Strategic Action Programs

Having considered the challenges and opportunities that are most likely to present themselves over the next five years, the following plans have been identified for the Center:

  1. Operations

a. Operational Performance Targets for the Computer Services Section

The Computer Services Section is responsible for all the hardware, software, and networks that are relevant for teaching and learning. As such, the following priorities in its operations are identified:

a. Year 1

§ There will be an exhaustive analysis and evaluation of the organization’s Internet connectivity to recommend possible upgrades in access speed. Ideally, the organization should have a T1 or an E1 data connectivity to provide satisfactory service to both staff and trainees given the current number of users and the current number of Internet terminals. If this situation cannot be provided in the existing environment, clusters of DSL-grade connections combined with wireless connectivity can be utilized to provide satisfactory service.

§ Responsibility and accountability with regards the hardware parts/components, tools, machines, and equipment will be developed for the CSS staff, hence the following will be implemented:

o There will be a “Memory Receipt” of all the tools, equipment, and components/parts issued to all staff and they will be responsible for these;

o A standard inventory of all hardware and software will be put in place through the “memory receipt” scheme and reports for the same will be submitted by the staff on a regular basis to properly monitor and manage all equipment of the Section.

§ Documentation of all the processes and methods will be initiated and started; this could culminate in manuals of operations of all servers, systems, and other processes normally provided by the Section.

§ A standard procedure for all computer services/assistance will be drafted, finalized and implemented to ensure quick response to all calls for technical assistance and service, as well as proper dissemination of information to all users. Scheduled maintenance not clashing with class hours will also be planned; this will require scheduling the technicians for different shifts/timings in their work.

§ The development of an improved website for the institution will be initiated.

b. Years 2 and 3

§ Evaluation of all currently implemented inventory, documentation, and standard service procedures will be done to further improve these processes. With regards the documentation process, initial drafts of server operation manuals/guidelines will be started so that staff can have an easy access to various routine processes whenever there is a need for such.

§ Initial interaction with the heads of departments will be undertaken to determine technical trainings and workshops that can be facilitated by the Center that will be relevant to the needs of their staff/lecturers. This will be done in cooperation with the Educational Services Section.

§ The development towards a more dynamic and interactive website for the institution will be started. This could include integrating basic services of the institution in the Website such as downloading of basic forms, virtual tour of facilities for guests and new trainees, etc.

c. Years 4 and 5

§ To maximize the utilization of the Center’s equipment, initial exploration towards specific training for selected staff will be done to make them certified trainers of various technologies. This could result in the application of the Center as an authorized testing center for various industry certifications, which will in turn be utilized by the trainees for them to be more competitive when they leave the institution.

§ Exploratory talks with the heads of other Centers will be initiated for possible development of a Data Network.

b. Operational Performance Targets for Educational Services Section

The Educational Services Section is responsible for all the educational materials and other aids for teaching and learning. As such, the following priorities in its operations are identified:

a. Year 1

§ Responsibility and accountability with regards the hardware equipment, and educational aids will be developed for the ESS staff, hence the following will be implemented:

o There will be a “Memory Receipt” of all the hardware educational aids issued to all staff and they will be responsible for these;

o A standard inventory of all hardware and software will be put in place through the “memory receipt” scheme and reports for the same will be submitted by the staff on a regular basis to properly monitor and manage all equipment of the Section.

o A catalogue of all educational aids that can be used by the learners and staff will be developed and distributed to all departments. A staff will be assigned for this purpose.

§ Correspondingly, a standard form will be designed for the borrowing of educational technology tools by staff and/or trainees, and these activities will be formally logged by a staff designated for the purpose.

§ Maintenance, management and improvement of the e-Learning Facility will be transferred to the Section and initial exploration will be done with the heads of departments and heads of sections for collaborative works in the development of more courses/modules on e-Learning.

§ Meetings with various learners' clubs will be done for possible development of newsletters for each department both in print and for publishing in the website to chronicle activities done by different departments.

b. Years 2 and 3

§ Improvement to the e-Learning Facility will be done through making it available to the learners via the Internet.

§ Exploratory talks with the heads of the departments and the heads of sections will be initiated with regards the collaborative development of handouts/manuals for different courses; this will be participated by learning development specialists from each department and the Head of the Library Services so that these handouts/manuals will be made available in the Library.

§ In cooperation of the Computer Services Section, improved trainings and workshops of technologies relevant to teaching and learning both for staff and students will be planned and conducted.

c. Years 4 and 5

§ Management and operation of a fully-functional newsletter, in cooperation with the different departments will be initiated.

§ Assessment of evaluation of policy-development will be re-started, which will focus on improved and stronger loyalty on the part of the ESS staff.

c. Operational Performance Targets for Library Services

a. Years 1 and 2

§ Exhaustive identification and listing of library holdings (inventory)

§ Drafting of, and strict implementation of Library procedures for borrowing and returning of books for both the staff and the students; in this regard, classification of books as to Textbook, Reference Book, and Reserved Book will be done, and corresponding days will be allocated for each every time they will be borrowed/returned. Penalties such as suspension of borrowing privileges will be drafted and implemented for negligent borrowers.

§ Initial interaction with heads of departments will be done to draft possible list of needed text/references for recommendation to the Administration.

b. Years 3 to 5

§ Recommendation on possible list of online subscription to technical journals and magazines will be forwarded to the management for evaluation.

§ Design and development of an improved version of the automated system, the Online Public Access Cataloguing system for the Library, will be initiated in cooperation with the Computer Services Section and some staff from the IT Department.

§ Talks with other libraries will be initiated for possible sharing of resources and networking. Same will be done to provide linkages with nearby institutions.

d. Develop and implement a workforce planning methodology for the Educational Technology Center staff to attract and retain high quality staff.

a. Years 1 and 2

§ Peer and internal training for ETC staff to improve their skills and make them more relevant to their environment.

b. Years 3 to 5

§ Recommendations for certifications and external trainings to ETC staff to make them more competitive and improve quality of work in the Center.

  1. Key Issues to be Addressed in this Plan

§ Development of a highly efficient and effective service unit.

§ Development of a high-moral, empowered, and competent group of technical staff that are able to work in a very dynamic and fast-paced environment.

§ Continuous and easy transfer of new technologies to various department staff and learners.

§ Adaptability of the various departments to the evolution of educational technologies in learning through proper implementation of these technologies by the Center.

§ Linkage of various stakeholders through the initiative of the Center.

  1. Sustainability / Research

In order for the aforementioned operational performance targets to be analyzed and sustained, the following research are proposed, the results of which in turn, will serve as data for the improvement of existing operational policies of the Center:

§ Acceptability of the LMS Moodle as a Learning Supplement through e-Learning (currently on-going, being conducted by this author)

§ Perceived Utility Value of Educational Technology Tools to the Extent of Learning of Students

§ Evaluation of Impact of Using an LMS in the Learning Experience of Learners

Final Statement

The development of an efficient and effective unit cannot be done overnight. Aside from the commitment, political will, and vision of the manager, more importantly, it needs the full cooperation and sometimes blind obedience of subordinates. Nevertheless, if transparency and team spirit prevails in the unit, sooner than we expected, the goals can be achieved. For the proposals outlined in this plan to materialize, more than anything else, it requires the combination of a realistic vision of a committed manager. But more than that, as already intimated, it requires the team spirit and wholehearted support of the Center’s personnel.

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